«Il y a un truc là haut !» : un ballon espion chinois filmé dans le ciel des Etats-Unis

«Il y a un truc là haut !» : un ballon espion chinois filmé dans le ciel des Etats-Unis

This thing is up in the sky. And I have no idea what it is. The size of it is estimated about kind of three bus lengths. And it's up in the stratosphere. They have done this before, but it's not common. It may be loitering longer in certain places to surveil areas where the Chinese believe there are U.S.

military instillation. Secretary Blinken is slated to go to the People's Republic of China in the coming days. And this floating of a surveillance balloon over the United States is untimely. It's either a provocation on the part of the Chinese. It's a mistake. One part of the government doesn't know what the other part of the government is doing. Or it's just a standard operating procedure.

At first I thought it was a star, but I thought that was kind of crazy because it was broad daylight. And when I looked at it, it was just too big to be a star. For those of you who might think this thing is the moon, there's the thing. And there's the moon. Thank you.

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