Nouvelle Zélande : l'aéroport d'Auckland inondé, tous les vols annulés

Nouvelle Zélande : l'aéroport d'Auckland inondé, tous les vols annulés

This is Portland Airport, 27th of January 23th. This is the airport. I'm going to go there. This is at the front. So that's the. I'm looking at the fence. Tonight at about 9.

30, I declared a state of local emergency for the Auckland region. My declaration reflects the gravity of the situation caused by this evening's severe weather event, and enables those emergency services and response agencies to draw upon additional resources and gives them the additional powers to assist affected Aucklanders. My thoughts are with those Aucklanders affected. Our emergency services are working hard as possible for you.

['Nouvelle-Zélande', 'inondations', 'intempéries', 'pluies']

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